Turn on positive energy: Night-Run and Healthy Gymnastics Become WIKA Realty's Flagship Programs

Corsec WR - November 23, 2023

Turn on positive energy:  Night-Run and Healthy Gymnastics Become WIKA Realty's Flagship Programs

Jakarta, November 23, 2023, PT Wijaya Karya Realty ("WIKA Realty") strives to turn on positive energy in the work environment with a Night Run program once a week and regular healthy gymnastics every two weeks.

The night run program is held every Wednesday at 6-8 pm in the Gelora Karno area, Jakarta. Meanwhile, the routine gymnastics program is held on Friday every 2 weeks in the Tamansari Hive Office building area, Jakarta. This program is carried out to maintain the physical fitness of each employee at WIKA Realty. It is also expected that with fitness that is well maintained, it will be followed by maintaining focus on the performance of WIKA Realty employees.

The selection of night runs and routine gymnastics as sports chosen by WIKA Realty, because these two sports can be participated by all WIKA Realty employees, both men and women can participate in the program. In addition, after the gymnastics, WIKA Realty provided a nutritious breakfast for the participants who attended and followed the event to completion.

VP Human Capital, Sigit Pramana said "This program is held to create collaboration between employees, to create a positive climate in the work environment and also to be a forum for employees who want to exercise regularly"

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